Warehouse Products & Equipment
Operator Training

Fork & Mast Chain Sale

Dec 1st - Jan 31st

Sign up today for your free, no obligation fork and chain inspections, and plan to save up to 25% on forks and mast chain this winter.

When should forks be replaced?

Look for worn and damaged fork tips, cracks and wear at the fork shank.

If the wear reaches 10% the forks should be replaced. Just 10% wear decreases the fork capacity by 20%.

For more information download our Forklift Forks Guide.

Free Fork Guide

When should chain be replaced?

Chain should be inspected, cleaned, and lubricated after every 100 hours of service and more frequently in abusive or cold environments. Chain should be replaced when it has elongated 3%.

Never repair chain by replacing sections.

Frequently Asked Questions

If the blade thickness is at 90% or less, can I place the fork on a lesser capacity unit?

Yes. If the fork is load tested and re-stamped with the new capacity.

“A fork that has undergone repairs other than repair or replacement of the positioning lock and/or the marking, shall only be returned to service after being submitted to and passing, the tests described in paragraph 7.23.7, except that the test load shall correspond to 2.5 times the rated capacity marked on the fork.”

Can I drill a hole in one of my forks?

No! Any modification to a fork must be approved and performed only by the manufacturer. Fork modifications put you at risk for an accident, injury or death and potential fines from OSHA.

One of my forks is damaged. Can I replace just one of them?

No. Forks must be replaced as a pair. Wear and damage are not always visible and uneven forks could result in reduced capacity and potential accidents, injury or death.

Checking the fork heel angle

Checking the fork blade for wear and distortion

SAFETY TIP: NEVER place your fingers inside the mast